List of Tamil words in Atakapa language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Atakapa language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai;MD; DPM;
Atakapa is an extinct language isolate native to southwestern Louisiana and nearby coastal eastern Texas. It was spoken by the Atakapa people (also known as Ishak, after their word for "the people"). The language became extinct in the early 20th century.

Clues to read Atakapa words into Tamil;
letter ‘k’ =’v’; ‘v ‘=’k’.
Add / change vowels then and there.
Add letter ‘m’ and letter ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained /deleted / added or exchanged. added.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs more than once consecutively, it has to be read only once.
A Dictionary of the Atakapa language - by Albert B. Gatschet and John R. Swanton.
English- Atakapa- Tamil
*1. water- ak– kayam
*2. sun- aki- koa
*3. unripe/ green - ak- kaai
4.meat- al-pulaal
5.door- akat – kathavu; ka=va; va=ka.
*6.fat/ oil- en- ennai; nei
*7.body - hathe- thadi
*8. father- tet – thaathai ride- iteu- oaattu
*10.put/ place- itol- iduthal
*11. make- ka- aakku
*12. crow- kak- kakkai
13. jaw- kat-
*14. cup - kapo– koappai
15. I am seated- kanto– kunthu- be seated
16. hair- kec- kaesam; sikai ; letters are in reversed order.
*17. to meet- kin- kaana
*18. angle- koc- koanam
19. corner- koc – mukku
*20. to cut-kuts- kaathu; vettu; ka= va; va= ka.
21. always- kul – ekaalamum; kaalam – time/season.
*22. long time- kul [ tan] – neenda kaalamaa- kaalam- time; tan= neenda- long; letters are in reversed order.
*23. glittering- lak- jolikka
*24. poor- lak - yaezhaiyaaka- as a poor person; yaezamaiyaaka- with poverty
*25. black- mel-maal
*26. to think- nai- ennu
*27. thought- nai – ennam
28. ground/ land/ country – ne- munn
29. louse- nin – paen
*30 five- nit- ainthu
31.weave- ka-neika
* split- pal- pila
*33. to flutter- pats- pada padappu
*34. pot- cit- satti
35. chin - it- naadi stop a hole- tsak–oaattai yaei adaikka; oaattai- hole; adaikka- to block.
37. lance- tsa- eetti kick- tsal- uthaiththal
39. to crack- tsa- udaiya; oaattaiyaa
*40. to run- tsat- oaadidu
*41. river /brook- tai– thanni; nathi; unthi; oaadai- stream
*42. skin- tal – thole
43.belly- tat -thonthi; moadu jump in- tankohi- thanduka; letter ‘t’ is read more than once.
*45. near- tiwe- votti /otti
*46. head- tol-thalai
*47. cane- tu- thadi; letter is read more than once.
*48. penis- totoc- thadi /stick
*49. to fetch - tuk- edukka; thookka
*50. resembling- tukau– oththathaaaka
*51. lake- tol- thollam tot - pattu
53. boat- tu – thoani; oaadam
54.- before- tut- munthaiya; munnaadiyae
*55. foot- tuts- adi
56.old/ age- waci – vayasaava- becoming old
*57. horse- wen- vanni
*58.i fry- wiitsa- waattu-to fry
*59.eye- wol- vizhi
*60. light- yil- oli
61.bit- atna- thundu; letter ‘t’ is read more than once.
*62. black berry- kin – kani/ berry
63. book- yul –nool
64. behind- pai- pinnae
* become- ka- aaka
66.break- tsa- udaiya
*67. carry- ti - edu
*68. chop- kuts- koththu
*69. chew- kat- kadi/ bite
*70. cough- koi –kakka cover- ots- moodu
72. crown / king - yints- mani mudi
73.eldest- yuts– mooththa
74. erect- ta- naattu; nattamaa
*75. to drive- tuk – oaattuka
*76. to dress- itol- iduthal; anithal; uduththuthal; poaduthal.
77. dot- yul- pulli
*78. first- it- mutha
*79. hook- kok - kokki
80. front- it- munnaadi
81.handle- kauc- kai
82. get out- ta - poaeidu
*83. girl- kun- kanni
*84. garden- tim- thoattam; letter ‘t’ is read more than once.
*85. hungry- kau – kaaya
86.island- tai–munn thittu; munn- sand; thittu- patchy area.
87.home- ot –idam
*88. hole- tol- thulai
89. kiss- kat - konjidu
*90- knife- kuts- kaththi
91.light in weight-- tlau – edai illai; edai- weight; illai- nil.
* leave- pots–poaeidu
93. mole- mom–machcham
94.moon- iti–mathi
95. moon- yil –nila lose- pots – poaida
97. loud- ots- saththama; letters are in reversed order.
*98. to love- iteu- ottu
*99. owl- anthu -aanthai
*100. pond- kat -kuttai
101. run- tsat- oaadidu
102- rub- tsak– thaeikka
103.shirt- kau – sokkaai
*104.smell- mun- manam
105. to stamp – tsal- adiththal
106.sting/ snake- tsa- theendu
*107. stump- kuts – adi kattai
108.towel- it- thundu
*109.your- n –un
*110.suck- ta- - uoottu mount- tam– yaeththanum
*112.mist- po- pani icuhe- aasai / ichchai
114. to hurt- kau – kaayam/ hurt
* kuts- katti
* draw- yul - izhu / pull
*117.chief- koi - koa net- yal– valai
119.friend- pen –nanpan; letters are jumbled.
120.cinnamon- ol- gnaazhal
121.mountain- katt- kuvadu; ka= va; va= ka.
122.billow- wl –alai
123.apron- it– thoosuadai; thoosu - dust; aadai- dress.
*124.end- tol-thalai; mudithal.
125.anus- tol- sooththu thulai; sooththu- buttock; thulai- hole. kiss- tots– muththaadu
127.bow- te- pathadi; thanu . teyo- petti
129.pit- nti -ponthu
*130.shirt- okotka- kaadakam /cloth
*131.break- kets- koattu